There are people here in Portugal laying down poisonous food in open, public areas. It’s not clear who the culprits might be; but what is clear is the devastating effects on dogs and their owners
On 10 June 2024, Yanef Stephane, known as Steph, took his dog Maya for a walk in Ericeira, as normal. Unfortunately, Maya found and ate some poisoned food. Despite the efforts of vets, Maya sadly died the following day. Obviously, Steph’s first response was to alert other dog owners to the risks of walking in the immediate area, at which point he discovered Maya was not the first pet to die in such cruel circumstances. This has been an issue for pet owners in the area for quite some while and the practice isn’t restricted to Ericeira – it is carried out across Portugal, including the Algarve.
Besides coming to terms with the sudden loss of his beloved dog, Steph was inspired into action. Not just to find those who were responsible for leaving the poisoned food, but to use the situation to create awareness, educate people and bring about long-term change. So began his mission to put an end to the illegal poisoning of animals in Portugal, a mission that has forced him to leave his job so that he can devote more of his time to this important cause.
It’s resulted in the establishment of Maya and Others, an association aimed at raising awareness and based on action. Using social media to bring people together, Steph is creating a louder, stronger voice for change. The aim is to highlight the practice of poisoning, encourage other people to take and share pictures, creating a network detailing where poison is being placed so that more animals can be protected.
The most amazing thing about Steph is his positivity. He has taken what has happened to Maya as an opportunity to bring about lasting change. A change in attitudes; a change in the laws surrounding animal cruelty; simple changes to the ways people walk their dogs, promoting muzzles to help reduce the chances of dogs eating any poisoned food.
As he says: “I am aware that change takes time and it’s not enough just to use social media. It’s important to inspire other people into action.” His education programme shares ways in which dog owners can keep their pets safe. He has organised meetings of supporters and people affected by this illegal practice and travelled across the region erecting signs, highlighting the dangers of poisoning in local beauty spots frequented by animal lovers and families.
Steph is actively pursuing resolution and justice for Maya through legal means. His tenacity and dogged determination are slowly creating a response from agencies in positions to bring about change. In August, the GNR of Mafra and SEPNA (The Nature and Environment Protection Service) visited Ericeira to carry out an inspection of the site using specially trained dogs, assessing the ongoing threats, locating and removing any remaining poison. This is a real step forward, with SEPNA taking the risks to all posed by this illegal practice seriously.
Steph has also organised meetings with the European Commission, specifically with those charged with improvements in animal welfare across the EU. There are many ways in which the welfare of animals in Portugal needs to be addressed: monitoring street cats, addressing the number of abandoned pets and the continued use of chains to restrain dogs. Hopefully, by involving these external agencies, Maya and Others will be at the forefront of addressing attitudes towards animal cruelty across Portugal.
Steph is a real dog lover. Looking towards the future, he hopes to organise more events across Portugal, highlighting the benefits of pet ownership, and the role that dogs play in the lives of our families. He is hoping to work alongside other charities, to gain more supporters and momentum, and continue to raise awareness. But Steph is a realist and understands that change takes time: “I just want to be a force for change, to address the bad behaviours of a few people and to have justice for our pets,” he says.
Steph / T: 913 861 100 / E: miyazoba29072014@gmail.com / FB and Insta: maya and others
Words: Steff Toft