It is that time again, when heart-shaped balloons decorate all kinds of public spaces, cakes are iced and candelled in pink, Netflix brings out those love-dovey favourites, and promises are made as well as proposals. Cards and candy may not do it for you, but a twosone time-out certainly will. Here’s one of the special places we’ve feature in our Februaruary issue – tried and tested by Sandra Gato

Estoril Vintage Hotel

More than the architectural splendour and idyllic location, there is one moment that, for me, sums up the unique feeling of staying in this 100 years old palace – or, more accurately, palacete (a smaller palace). It happened as soon as I checked in. When I was getting the key to my room, a lady approached me and said: “Welcome to Estoril Vintage Hotel, nice to have you with us, I am the owner”.

The lady of the house showed me around and told me that her family (Líbano Monteiro) used to inhabit the whole palacete. She had seven children – so they needed a big place – and then, a couple of years ago, with the kids are all grown up, they decided to turn it into a hotel. Today, she and her husband live in the garden house and make sure the 15 bedroom hotel feels like a family house that, from the outside, could be located on the French Riviera.

And that is exactly what you experience when you notice framed family photos from different eras decorating the living room tables, Portuguese bed linen of the highest quality and, at the restaurant, a sophisticated menu that includes some family recipes, taught to the chef by the lady of the house, of course.

Estoril is quite near Lisbon – around 25km – but the Atlantic’s proximity makes one feel far away and detached. Opening the window of the room to the ocean front, or just enjoying its breeze while cheering to life with your loved one on the terrace is the best gift of love.

And, believe me, the owner of the house will make sure everything is perfect while you are there… If you are unable to stay the night, have dinner in the magnificent restaurant or go for the 5 o’clock tea. There is a pretty good chance that this will become your ‘special place’… and for the real romantics, they organise private weddings.

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